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Re-imagine the office

With the country moving to Level 2, business will be opening up and more people will be planning returning to the office.  The Pandemic has caused many changes in our attitude to offices, from not being necessary at all, to requiring a make-over.  Many companies in the furniture industry have provided interesting and varied solutions to the ‘new normal’ for offices.  Each company has had to set new boundaries for network access to accommodate ‘Work from Home’ scenarios.  Investment in IT systems has moved the needle significantly further and faster than was previously imagined towards accommodating flexible working arrangements.

Now is crunch time:

  • how are our workplaces to change when we welcome back more staff

  • how is management to respond to Level 2? 

  • is your COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan up to the task, in not just stopping the virus but restarting your business

  • is there an opportunity to ‘build it back better’? 

  • what considerations has the lockdown brought to the business, ways to move faster, be more effective or simply to implement changes that have been put off for years?

SpaceWorx has for many years worked with large companies in developing strategic plans for their re-locations to new buildings and locations, combining business and spatial requirements to project future needs over time in our spatial demand models.  These models are backed by input from different levels of the business to provide a high-level overview for management to work with. This planning works with individual business unit requirements approaches to avoid generic approaches that will inhibit operation where not a necessity.

The Level 2 lifting of restrictions is the ideal opportunity to re-look at your business model and operations to set things up for sustainable growth into the future. Modelling your business and facilities will give you the necessary insight and opportunity to draw input from the business to approach the future with confidence.

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